

3年ぶり開催の日本ワインコンクール2022にて、当社の「2019久住シャルドネcatwalk」が金賞を受賞、「2019久住メルローThe Sun」「2020久住シャルドネcatwalk」の2銘柄も銀賞を受賞、さらに4銘柄で銅賞を受賞しました。

① 「久住シャルドネCatwalk2019」 金賞(欧州系白品種部門)
② 「久住シャルドネCatwalk2020」 銀賞(欧州系白品種部門)
③ 「久住メルローThe Sun2019」 銀賞(欧州系赤品種部門)
④ 「久住シャルドネA Stray Cat2020」 銅賞(欧州系白品種部門)
⑤ 「久住シャルドネThe Sun2020」 銅賞(欧州系白品種部門)
⑥ 「久住ロゼCatwalk2021」 銅賞(ロゼワイン部門)
⑦ 「デラウェアペティアン」 銅賞(スパークリングワイン部門)




This is Tsuchimochi, the manager and winemaker .
We are proudly announcing that our 「2019 Chardonnay Catwalk 」was awarded a gold prize at Japan wine competition.
In addition, it was awarded 2brands silver and 4brands bronze prizes.

I have a special feeling for this.
I started winemaking in 2018 with no experience at all.
At that time, there was a system change I haven’t planned myself. Thinking about it now, it was reckless and there were some employees who did not believe in me and end up resigning. I think the office was about to collapse.
Even I, wanted to run away and escaped from that reality.
But I didn’t want the employees to notice about this, so I tried to keep my mental health stable by saying “I will definitely get a gold prize!” and putting myself into a situation that cannot compromise.

There were some employees who suddenly start working harder than before. Maybe they felt sorry about me. I felt this as a silent pressure, and I had to work harder than before too.
Eventually, the team become full of energy.
For the first time, I truly sense the unity.

So now “CATWALK” has 2 meanings.
One is a scaffold like tightrope that cats walk on. (Exactly the path we’ve been through!)
And other one is a runway that fashion models walk on.
It seems like the wine our team has made it, reached the runway from the countryside that has stayed for a long time. I feel so proud.
Many thanks to everyone for their continued support.